sábado, 25 de febrero de 2017

Brooms up!

This week I would like to talk about Quidditch. You know, this sport played in Harry Potter novels with flying brooms. You probably don’t know it is played in real life by real people!
Quidditch, as a real sport, was invented in 2005 in the United States. It has a lot of similarities with Rowling’s Quidditch (multiple balls, brooms, or the 6 rings) but of course, it also lacks of flying brooms, which is its most showy thing.

You must use a stick as a broom, and carry it between your legs while running. The 3 chasers must score points to the rival keeper, while dodging bludgers from the beaters. Last, we’ve got the seeker, who must run to catch the snitch, which is a tennis ball in a sock, carried by a neutral player.
Of course we haven’t got only snitches: we also have 3 bludgers (dodgeballs) and a quaffle (a volleyball). Each goal scores 10 points, and catching the snitch is 30 points (in the fictional sport, it is 150 points, so in real Quidditch, catching the snitch doesn’t ensure you to win). When the snitch is caught, the match is over.

It has a lot of rules like any other sports, but I think the most interesting one is the “Maximum four”, which means that there must not be more than 4 players (excluding the seeker) who are identified with the same gender. This allows people play as the gender they feel of, so it is a pioneer sport in this aspect.

If you feel interested, there is a complete rulebook, lots of information on the internet, and also a lot of professional teams in Spain, even a national team. Maybe you could be part of the first Extremadura quidditch team!

martes, 21 de febrero de 2017


Así son nuestros alumnos/as: ÚNICOS 👍😆💪

En este apartado os dejo los enlaces relacionados con el proyecto de patrimonio: 
  1. http://cacereshistorica.caceres.es/patrimonio-oculto/historias-y-leyendas/ 
  2. http://cacereshistorica.caceres.es/patrimonio-oculto/heraldica-escudos-y-blasones/


  1. Hugo G.F
  • Casa Grande

  • Casa Palacio de los Becerra
  • Palacio de los Golfines de Arriba


sábado, 18 de febrero de 2017


Chess is one of the most famous board games, if not the most. There are a lot of wargames, but it is considered the most elegant too, probably because of its long tradition of players. Unlike most board games, it has an official version, while other board games lack it: black square on the left, queen on her colour, and white starts the match.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t other games (Shougi, Xiangqi, Raumschach, etc.) or versions (Chess960, Weak!, Double chess…), But the well known international chess is the most played in the world.
We usually can say a person is a better player than other, however, how do we measure that? With the elo. The elo, invented by Arpad Elo, is a measure of how good are you at games such as chess. Actually, you can put on every game 1 vs 1, in which one’s victory implies other’s defeat: Chess, football, whatever; but it is famous for the chess rating.
Your elo starts in 1000 and it goes up and down, depending not only on the fact that you win or lose, but also on your rival’s elo. It has generally a limit on how it can go up or down, called “constant K”, which depends on your experience, elo, etc. Anyway, the rules for the constant K and for the elo are different among the clubs, so elo is just an estimation.
The elo difference between 2 players is the probability to win. More elo implies more than 50% chances, and a difference equal or bigger than 800 implies a result almost sure. The names below are the different categories acccording to the United States Chess Federation:
2400 and above: Senior Master
2200–2399: National Master
2000–2199: Expert
1800–1999: Class A
1600–1799: Class B
1400–1599: Class C
1200–1399: Class D
1000–1199: Class E
800–999: Class F
600–799: Class G
400–599: Class H
200–399: Class I
0–199: Class J

Inglés. Introducción.

A partir de esta semana iré publicando entradas en este blog en inglés sobre diversos temas, de alrededor de 300 palabras. Esto no sólo hay que leérselo, sino dejar algún comentario en la misma entrada al respecto. No será en ningún caso más de una entrada semanal. 
Los comentarios deben ser personales y en inglés (aunque no rechazaremos ninguno en castellano): pueden ser dudas sobre aspectos que no se entiendan bien, opiniones personales, sugerencias para el tema de futuras entradas, respuestas a otros comentarios de compañeros, etc. NO deben ser comentarios del tipo "me parece muy bien el blog", "¿cuándo tenemos clase de sociales?" o asuntos similares.


viernes, 17 de febrero de 2017

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017


En este apartado os dejo un Power point sobre enlaces e interjecciones. 😎😄

En las siguientes diapositivas se tratará el contenido de los textos periodísticos: 💬👀

                                       TEMA 8 

Diapostivas del apartado de las oraciones y el sujeto: 😋😋

 Presentación sobre la narrativa: 😍😎

                                       TEMA 9 

En las siguientes diapositivas sobre siglas, abreviaturas, tipos de predicado y textos argumentativos